A Trail So Lonesome Epic Book Launch & Excerpt!

About the Book

Book: A Trail So Lonesome

Author: Lacy Williams

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: January 12, 2023

Spending five months eating trail dust wasn’t Leo Spencer’s first choice. Or his second. He’s not one to run away, but some situations can’t be fixed and his family—two brothers and a sister—needs to start over. Which is how he finds himself on a westbound wagon train.

Evangeline has a secret, one that has sent her on a journey across the plains on the Oregon Trail. When her father is badly hurt and she needs help, Leo is there. A deal is struck and the two unlikely friends form an alliance… that leads to more.

But Evangeline’s secret looms over her… and Leo’s family troubles are far from over.

Book Excerpt

“That’s why you’re the perfect man for the job. The two of us would never suit. There are too many things you don’t like about me. And—”

He waited for her to list off all the reasons he wasn’t suitable for her, but she remained silent. He stood in the darkness, his face burning.

“I don’t know whether or not to be offended,” he admitted.

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” she said quickly. “I only meant—”

He waited. And then waited some more for her to say something. Maybe apologize.

But what she said was, “I’ll pay you two thousand dollars to get my family to Oregon.”

That made him clamp his mouth shut. The weight of coins in his hand felt heavier.

“There are more gold coins in a compartment in our wagon. I can pay you five hundred dollars now and the rest when we reach the Willamette valley. I didn’t count that, it was dark.”

“Two thousand dollars?” he croaked. He’d known she and James were well-off. It couldn’t be more obvious from their fine clothes and brand-new wagon. But a secret compartment? Gold coins?

“Who else knows about the money?” Gossip tended to spread through the wagon train like wildfire.

Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here:

Excerpt One: https://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-trail-so-lonesome.html

Excerpt Two: https://guildmaster97.wordpress.com/2022/12/23/a-trail-so-lonesome-epic-book-launch-excerpt/

Excerpt Three: http://www.simpleharvestreads.com/posts/a-trail-so-lonesome-book-excerpt/

Excerpt Four: https://catsinthecradle.blog/2022/12/07/a-trail-so-lonesome-epic-book-launch/

Excerpt Five: https://nannie3.blogspot.com/2022/12/a-trail-so-lonesome.html?m=1

About the Author

Lacy Williams wishes her writing career was more like what you see in Hallmark movies: dreamy brainstorming from a French chateau or a few minutes at the computer in a million-dollar New York City penthouse. In reality, she’s up before the sun, putting words on the page before her kids wake up for the day. Those early-morning and late-night writing sessions add up, and Lacy has published sixty books in a decade, first with a big five publisher and then as an indie author. When she needs to refill the well, you can find Lacy birdwatching, gardening, biking with the kiddos, or walking the dog. Find tons of bonus scenes and reader extras by becoming a VIP reader at www.lacywilliams.net/vip .

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