Figs in Bloom Author Interview and Giveaway!

About the Book

Book: Figs in Bloom

Author: Bobi Gentry Goodwin

Genre: Bible Study Curriculum for Girls Small Group Leaders/Parents

Release Date: June, 2023

The Bible is rich with families, communities, songs, poems, principles, and power. It allows the reader to learn of God and His ultimate plan for His people through the coming of Jesus Christ. Stories of heroism, courage, perseverance, and pain fill its pages and are often displayed through the lives of Biblical characters.

The FIGS in Bloom Bible Study and Group Curriculum seeks to foster independence, growth, and spirituality in God’s precious girls by highlighting Bible personalities. FIGS is comprised of twelve lessons complete with Bible study, teacher tactics, scripture memorization, group games, journal writing prompts, and more. Biblical stories of hope, uniqueness, sacrifice, and love seek to encourage each student to blossom and take God with them as they learn to navigate the twists and turns of life.Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Bobi Gentry Goodwin is a native San Franciscan. The Bay Area was where she first discovered her love for people and their stories. She has held a passion for writing since early childhood and as a Clinical Social Worker and Psychotherapist, her mission field has been working with women and children. Bobi is a spiritual growth enthusiast that writes inspirational fiction, Bible Studies, and blog articles. She has been a contributing writer to Chicken Soup for the Soul and her story “Gentrified” was featured in the anthology Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis. She is a wife, mother of two, licensed minister, and an avid member of her local church. She hosts the Finding Forever Podcast and in her free time enjoys dancing, walking, and spending time with her fur baby.

More from Bobi

Parenting a teenager is hard work! Finding ways to communicate with a teen can feel like finding a safe place to step into a field of landmines. One wrong word, one wrong look, and one wrong directive can lead to a literal explosion. With so much on their minds as they navigate hormones, social groupings, social media, and academics. How can parents find the space to sit them down and share the Word of God?

As a parent of two teenage daughters, many times I felt stumped. I couldn’t even get my words to move them, let alone God’s. But I knew His Word was exactly what they needed. What He says about them is much more valuable than anything I could offer, and that is how FIGS was birthed. FIGS in BLOOM is a Bible study guide centered around a social group approach to learning God’s Word in a non-threatening way. It is centered on a socialization approach that invites kids into a community grounded in food, fun, and fellowship.

FIGS served as a template to pull my teenage girls close while so many things sought to pull them apart. Hosting meetings in my home surrounded by my teenage girl and her friends allowed deep seeds to be planted in me and them. I learned, they learned. I laughed, and they laughed. I prayed, and they prayed. And I am certain that in the end, God got all the Glory!

Author Interview

  • What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?

Writing a book always leaves me with several surprises. The creative process is full of twists, turns, and curveballs. FIGS in Bloom was no different. One of the biggest surprises that I learned while writing this book was how much I enjoyed the art of teaching.

Instructing others has been challenging. The study, investment of time, preparation, lesson planning, and getting out in front can bring forth a lot of emotions. As I crafted this book from the many lesson plans I’d comprised, I discovered the many gifts that can result from teaching. The memories of the kids, the classes, and the interactions rose to the surface for me. The lived experiences filled my heart with joy and left me enthusiastically creating for the next leader in hopes that as they spend time teaching, they can create just as many memories that fuel their passion and heart for God’s people.

  • How do you overcome writer’s block? Do you have any advice for others in finding their

process to overcome it?

Writer’s block is a bear. It stands in front of me more than I like to admit. When I’m challenged by it, I do one thing to allow my creativity more space. I step away for a few days and this process helps me to permit myself to own where I am. This simple act allows the pressure I feel under to dissipate some. I simply have to give my mind some rest.

Prayer is also an incredible tool to utilize when feeling stuck. Consultation with the ultimate creator can free up my mind, as well as the burdens I’m facing. Lastly, I realize that I am human, and just like most other writers, there comes a time when our creativity candle burns out.

It’s tough to advise someone on strategies that can work for them. We are all so very different.  My advice is to try something new. Walk, pray, read the Bible, step away, color, pull out a different project, watch a movie, or read a book. Finding a process that works specifically for you is imperative. Discover what gets your creative juices flowing. And when all else fails, it never hurts to re-read your work, outline, and maybe even vent to a writer friend.

  • How did you come up with the title of your book?

The FIGS in Bloom’s title was birthed right out of Scripture reading. I was reading the Bible and some verses from Mark Chapter 12 jumped right off the page. In that passage, Jesus saw a beautiful fig tree from afar off and as He approached it He found that it had no fruit. The tree was beautiful and pleasing to the eye. The tree looked vibrant and full of life, but there was something wrong. It was not producing anything life-sustaining. It had absolutely no fruit. Subsequently, Jesus cursed the tree, and was withered up from the root.

This part of the text led me to ponder a difficult question. How many times do things look beautiful on the outside but from the inside it is non-productive? As a child of God, I don’t want to just be beautiful, I want to produce good fruit. As a champion of women, I want girls to produce good fruit.

And just like in Mark 12, Jesus had the power to change the very outcome of that tree. Jesus is a change-maker.  He has the power to change outcomes and facilitate beautiful things on the outside as well as the inside. This is how the FIGS in Bloom title was birthed.

  • What’s your favorite writing snack, drink, and/or music?

I am a snacker and a self-proclaimed foodie. When I write and almost do anything else I usually have a cup of tea. I enjoy Earl Gray or English Breakfast. My absolute favorite is African Nector by Mighty Leaf which I save for special occasions. Cookies also tend to complete my snack plate but now and then I find my hand buried inside a barbeque potato chip bag.

Music is also a part of my writing process. I do not listen while I write, but many times I find myself going to my favorite playlist after I have finished part of a project or even before I start. My favorite go-to artist is Smokie Norful.

  • Is your writing space pristine or organized chaos?

Last week a scented candle was in my pantry.  Organized chaos is the name of my game. I have piles stacked up on other piles. The endless supply of used notepads tends to surround me. And I won’t even address the amount of sticky notes.  

Blog Stops

Splashes of Joy, November 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 18

Blossoms and Blessings, November 19 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, November 19

Texas Book-aholic, November 20

Artistic Nobody, November 21 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 22

Back Porch Reads, November 23 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 24

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, November 25 (Author Interview)

amandainpa, November 25

Cover Lover Book Review, November 26

Guild Master, November 27 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 28

A Reader’s Brain , November 29 (Author Interview)

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, November 30


To celebrate her tour, Bobi is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon Gift Card and a copy of Figs in Bloom!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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