About the Book

Book: I Can’t Believe They’re Gone
Author: Karen Brough
Genre: Children’s Picture Books
Release Date: June, 2023
The mouse family has lost someone dear.
Come follow each one as Bear helps them understand all they are feeling and how each expresses it in their own unique way. Tiny is so quiet, I wonder if Bear will be able to help him too?Click here to get you copy!
About the Author

Karen Brough is an award-winning author who calls Australia home. As a wife, mother of three and former teacher, she writes with a teacher’s heart for children. Karen always knew she would write a book about processing loss and grief, so she became a student of the science of grief. When Karen lost a beloved friend in 2022, she turned to writing as part of her grieving process. This story is the result—a hope investment from her heart to yours. She believes it will help others know they are not alone in their loss and reassure those who don’t know what to do with all their big emotions.
More from Karen
This book has been a story of the heart and was written, well before my pen hit a page.
I had a gentle whisper of an idea to study grief, knowing that I would write a book about it at some stage, I began. At the end of my year of study, we sadly had a dear friend, taken from us far too soon. The story came to life as I processed my own grief and its words tended to my own heart.
I wanted to write a book that didn’t focus on the loss itself, but rather, gave children/adults some gentle encouragement and hope, in their own loss. A book that invested hope and reassurance about big emotions in times of loss and
It has been written in such a way, that the loss is never given a name, so the reader can adopt and relate to the mouse family as part of their own. The readers of ‘I Can’t Believe They’re Gone,’ can download their own grief activity
sheets at www.karenbrough.com/kids/
Author Interview
- What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?
That’s a great question. I would have to say how much the process of writing it, and its message ministered to and helped my own heart during a time of significant loss.
- Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I do hear from them through reviews, social media, and occasional emails and letters via snail mail. I LOVE hearing from them because writing can be quite an isolating space, and it’s a gift to hear that you haven’t wasted your time. They tell me how my books feel like I know them, that I say things they think, and they feel understood and encouraged. They feel inspired in their faith, and their awareness of God in their lives. That they have connected with God more easily since reading the book. They have shared that it was exactly the book their heart needed in their distress and hard time. That they felt so full of hope and lighter having read them. These are the common themes.
- How do you overcome writer’s block? Do you have any advice for others in finding their process to overcome it?
I actually do something creative, or get out into my garden. As I only write when I am in the zone, at times, this has been weeks pressing the pause button, but creativity helps fill my tank – and therefore gets me back to the creative flow more quickly now. My advice is to find the thing that sparks the fun and do that. Ask God to prompt you when and what to write, and listen to your dreams and first thoughts as you wake. Run with what He shows you.
- Do you read the genre you write? Why or why not?
Hmmm…that’s another good question. Yes, and now. When I am writing, no, I don’t. I want my message to be pure, and I don’t want to inadvertently adopt another’s thoughts and integrate it into my writing life. But I do love to read others’ works.
- How did you come up with the title for your book?
For ‘I Can’t Believe They’re Gone,’ it was a phrase that I kept saying and it just seemed to fit. It communicated exactly how it feels when we lose someone or something that we love.
- What’s your favorite writing snack, drink, and/or music?
ugh….I used to enjoy eating corn chips, but have since realized they were sabotaging my fight-the-flab goals. lol. So I have a cup of tea and a piece of banana cake. This book experience has needed many weak black teas with one sugar.
- What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?
Your story is worth sharing, just because you aren’t a big name, doesn’t mean the message isn’t important. There is always someone who will benefit from connecting with your experience.
- Do you participate in writing challenges on social media? Why or why not?
I haven’t, actually. I’ve signed up for a couple, but the stress of ‘having’ to write kind of kills the fun of it for me. However, I have done NaNoWriMo a couple of fo times when I needed some accountability to keep going on my Be Held By Him series.
- How did publishing your first book change your writing process?
That’s a very interesting question – hmmm….I guess that I’ve learned over the writing process, since that first book, to hold my words lightly. I am now far more willing to cull good writing in order to make way for something that is better.
- Is your writing space pristine or organized chaos?
Absolute Chaos! And that’s no joke. I have paperwork, lists, ideas, part projects, and research papers in my kitchen, playroom, meal table, family room, and in files. I am currently looking at getting a space created so that I can keep all my creative ‘mess’ in one naturally lit place. That’ll make my hubby a lot happier, I can tell you. lol
Blog Stops
Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 2
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 3
Vicky Sluiter, September 4 (Author Interview)
Mary Hake, September 4
Texas Book-aholic, September 5
Blossoms and Blessings, September 6 (Author Interview)
Locks, Hooks and Books, September 7
Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 8
Guild Master, September 9 (Author Interview)
Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 10
A Reader’s Brain , September 11 (Author Interview)
The Book Club Network, September 12
Splashes of Joy, September 13 (Author Interview)
Artistic Nobody, September 13
Blogging With Carol, September 14
For Him and My Family, September 15
To celebrate her tour, Karen is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.
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